Landmark Plaza, 13th Floor
Argwings Kodhek Rd
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

CNS LOGISTICS LIMITED Your Reliable Logistics and Supplies Partner CNS LOGISTICS LIMITED Your Reliable Logistics and Supplies Partner CNS LOGISTICS LIMITED Your Reliable Logistics and Supplies Partner

Looking for a quality and affordable constructor for your next project?

about cns logistics

We offer end to end tailor-made General Supply & Product Support solutions from product sourcing, contracts negotiation, service contracts, logistics, distribution and delivery to the end user. We also execute Building, Renovations, Maintenance and Water works.

Reliable and efficient service

We aim to eliminate the downtime and associated costs of carrying out your project. We have partnered with leading local and global consultants to ensure our offering is comprehensive. We provide after sales support and deliver your product as specified.

why choose us

We transform your requirements and after sales experience to deliver as expected

  • We are Passionate, Honest and Dependable
  • We are Constantly Improving
  • We anticipate Client needs and Act Accordingly

We Export Your Produce

We grow, aggregate, package and supply quality fruits for the international export market at scale and a level of service that matters.

Our main products include:

  • Avocado
  • Mango
  • Passion fruit


Our Values


CNS LOGISTICS LIMITED is built on a high quality business focus on worthy works and long-term relationships with all our clientele and sector leaders. With our unique expertise with our clientele we create and maintain more productive and sustainable capital assets.

Entrepreneurial Spirit and Management

CNS LOGISTICS LIMITED is a reputable company providing a wide range of services across various sectors and geographical locations. To ensure continuous development of our staff, management and business at large, we encourage an entrepreneurial approach through the decentralization of decision-making within a clearly defined policy framework.

Openness and Transparency

Openness and transparency are values underpinning all aspects of our external and internal relationships. We build trust in clients, shareholders and other interested parties through the provision of accurate and reliable information. We foster teamwork and encourage synergies across the company through the sharing of knowledge and the best practices. regulations and standards.

Ethical Business Conduct

Our relationships are underpinned by our reputation for being reliable, trustworthy and fair. We apply consistently high standards of ethics in all we do acting in way that meet or exceed legal standards, meeting our contractual commitment, avoiding conflicts of interest, keeping company data accurate, confidential and secure and abstaining from all forms of unethical practices.


Professionalism underpins all our activities. In addition we demonstrate a dynamic and cooperative approach, helping customers in their search for new solutions and methods of working. We believe innovation and creativity are essential for the future of the company by enhancing our capacity for growth and progress.


Growth and Sustainability

Our principal goal is sustainable earnings to the growth and creation of value for all our stakeholders by fully exploiting our technical expertise, geographical coverage and strong clientele base.

Health and Safety

We pursue an absolute goal of causing no harm to our employees or those affected by our activities. We therefore implement effective health and safety management systems, encourage and promote the adoption of safe working practices and engage our people and business partners in driving continuous performance improvement. In all our workshops and sites, we ensure that supervisors and workers put on safety gear to avoid injuries and also to promote industrial safety.

Environmental Consciousness

We pursue an absolute goal of causing no harm to the environment. We implement effective environmental management systems, encourage and promote the adoption of environmentally sensitive practices and engage our people and business partners in driving continuous performance improvement.

Community Support

We support the local and regional communities in which we work. We engage in consultation on matters of importance to them connected with our activities and seek to contribute to their economic and social well being, within the framework of local laws and in context with the company’s roles and responsibilities.

Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

We value the cultural diversity of our people and respect their rights by ensuring that we are an equal opportunity employer and non-discrimination in the work place whilst upholding the rule of law in the various jurisdictions we operate in. Our staff members are afforded a fair opportunity to respond to actions and decisions affecting them in the workplace and to confidentiality relating to personal data held by the company.

Our Philosophy

We are Dynamic

Our experience, in conjunction with our qualified personnel and partners enable us to be dynamic enough to tackle almost any supplies and logistical challenges. We have a proud history of utilizing experience to provide clients with the best services possible. This difficult task is accomplished by applying experienced personnel and working with the most suitable partners in every project.

CNS Logistics was founded on the principle of gathering an elite group of experts and professionals, and leveraging their collective abilities in delivering value to government agencies, corporations, small and large businesses alike. We cross-train our consultants to diversify and increase their overall skills. The result for our clients is a group of individuals that can genuinely contribute and have a positive impact on delivering value to clients.



We have partnered with leading local and global consultants, engineers, suppliers, logistics service providers, multi-modal agents, airlines and shipping lines and transporters to ensure our offering is comprehensive, flexible, timely , competitive and delivery focused. Ensuring always that our delivery promise is not limited b geographical, logistical, regulatory, or compliance boundaries.

Leading the way in building and
logistics fulfillment

Projects completed
Workers employed
Awards Won